In a distant future, humanity has vanished, leaving behind a world where machines rule. Among the remnants of human ingenuity lies D.A.I.S. (Defense AI Sentinel), a massive, autonomous war robot designed to protect Earth from external threats. However, without humans to guide it, D.A.I.S. has gone rogue, deeming all smaller machines as threats to the planet's safety.

You play as S.P.A.R.K. (Specialized Precision Aerial Reconnaissance Keeper), a nimble drone created by a group of rebel AI units. The rebels have uncovered an ancient human protocol that can deactivate D.A.I.S. before it destroys the last bastion of free machines. However, the protocol can only be uploaded directly into D.A.I.S.’s core.

As S.P.A.R.K., your mission is to infiltrate D.A.I.S.'s towering structure and survive its relentless attacks. This is no ordinary battle; it’s a clash of agility versus brute force, precision versus raw power.


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(1 edit)

Nice Game I Like to play 
But can you check once that after going upwards there is some issue that it is not working correctly 
or else very nice game logic and all...
All the best for your next games also ....
